这个强大的工具Shopify主题有你需要启动一个有效的电子商务网站的一切. 你可以卖任何东西,从电动工具,钻具,锯到桑德斯和磨床.This theme will...
Sales: 6
Support: 4.4/5
这个地板商店Shopify模板消除了你和潜在客户之间的距离. We feel that this particular template is perfect for your flooring store, flooring or flooring store....
Sales: 9
Support: 4.4/5
Flory Furniture Shopify Theme perfectly fits for stores selling Interior Furniture and Decorative Items.主题是响应的,因为所有自定义设置都在管理中提供.
Sales: 40
Support: 4.4/5


现代数字世界有它自己的规则, 每个企业都应该考虑趋势和创新. Today it is not enough to use traditional promotion and advertising to succeed in the interior design sphere. You should have a reliable and attractive online presence to get more clients and improve your brand recognition. 但是如何建立这样一个专业的网站来展示你的创意业务, 没有雇佣网络开发人员或程序员? 我们有东西可以提供给你. 我们的Shopify室内设计主题很容易定制和令人难以置信的光滑. 多亏了直观的管理面板, 由于时尚的视觉效果,您可以创建一个令人敬畏的体验. 通过选择其中一个模板, 你会得到很多工具来展示你在你的领域里的专业水平.

Shopify家居装饰主题-功能 & Characteristics

The collection of shop themes contain various ready-to-use solutions for different kinds and sizes of business. 探索我们的杂志装饰Shopify模板, 你可能会注意到他们是有反应的, 允许您的网站在任何屏幕尺寸的设备上显示良好. 除了这个重要的特性之外,我们建议关注Ajax功能产品. Thanks to it, 您的页面变得更加客户友好, 允许他们将喜欢的产品添加到愿望清单中, cart, even compare list, and more. 其他基本特征包括:

  1. Mega菜单-这个惊人的扩展为您的网站创建菜单, including categories, subcategories, and posts.
  2. Responsive layout - let your site adapt to any gadget with any screen size and display all content correctly.
  3. 视网膜就绪设计-允许您的页面在所有设备上毫无瑕疵地显示, both Mac and Android. 
  4. Banners and block sections - these elements help you build an attractive visual of the site that increases conversion and encourages people to purchase your products.
  5. 添加到购物车和愿望清单-购物车是任何电子商店最重要的功能之一. 多亏了这两个特性, 你的网站变得对客户友好, 购物成为一种愉快和轻松的经历.
  6. Carousel and product grids - these options allow you to place your products in the right good-looking places and to present them from the best side.
  7. Multi-currency and multilingual - these features support transactions in multiple currencies and make your site clear for users from different countries.
  8. seo友好-感谢这个功能, 你的网站将在谷歌排名更高,并在搜索结果的第一页.
  9. 移动友好-这个选项可以帮助您的电子商店适应任何屏幕大小的移动设备.
  10. Google web fonts and Google map integration - create your site using stunning fonts to impress your visitors and stand out from your competitors. Adding a mark of your offline store or office on the map will easily help your visitors find your location.

All these features help you make the most out of employing eCommerce to power your web store and sell products and services effectively. 感谢他们,你可以创建一个完整而强大的网站,实现所有的商业目标.


Your industry is based on visuality; that is why we made all templates easily adapted to any kind of business in this field. 无论你提供什么产品, 后端面板帮助您上传产品和配置类别, allocate new ones, 并促进特别优惠和销售. 此外,你可以上传令人惊叹的视频,并以时尚的方式将它们整合到你的网站中. 谁可以使用Shopify室内设计网站模板?

  • 室内设计公司,
  • exterior
  • home remodeling;
  • decor;
  • furniture store,
  • wholesale shop,
  • and more.

你需要你的访问者被你网站的外观所启发和印象深刻. 这将鼓励他们浏览更多,享受你的产品. For these reasons, we considered all your niche specificities and made magazine decor Shopify themes well-designed, complete, and eye-catching. Besides, our templates allow you to present them to the client in a pleasant atmosphere and drive him to continue viewing your pages. So, it's time to learn more about the instruments and features you gain to create such a qualitative and delightful web presence.


We considered the specificity of your niche while making these themes to suit any business in the interior design sphere. 所以,启动你的网络商店的过程将是顺利的,以下这些简单的建议:

  1. 采用全面的库存管理产品. 你可以按照自己的意愿放置物品,将它们分类并保存位置. 此外,您还可以创建产品目录和集合. 所有这些努力使您的网站对客户友好,并使您能够有效地销售商品.
  2. 定制产品页面. 您可以选择传统的网格布局或放置不同的货物. Then, it would help if you created pages for each item with pictures and descriptions to make your site clear and easy to use.
  3. 上传几张商品图片. 图片对决定购买至关重要. 添加产品的多张照片, 你的访问者有可能看到项目的所有特点.
  4. Customize a quick view. Templateog体育首页 provides magazine decor Shopify themes with a useful option that will improve your site significantly. 使用我们的模板,您可以添加每个产品的快速视图. 因此,访问者无需打开页面即可看到其主要信息.
  5. 调整语言和支付方式. 我们的模板允许您运行在全球范围内销售商品的商店. 使用多语言选项,您可以将您的网站翻译成不同的语言. Along with this, 支付选项将使您能够使用货币切换器自定义货币.
  6. 社交网络的好处. It is a great chance to be visible to clients if you connect your store to social media platforms. 此外,您为客户提供了通过网络分享您的内容的可能性. Thus, your web presence becomes more popular, and your brand recognition will increase day by day.



You are welcome to view the demo version of the home decor template to see what you will get with this product. Besides, 你可以下载一个免费的样本来测试, but for now, 我们不提供任何试用期我们的布局. 如果您想继续使用免费样品, og体育购买许可,允许您永久使用所选项目.


每个模板都有详细的文档说明如何安装, customize, and edit a template. In that case, 如果你有问题或需要帮助你的布局, 你可以在实时聊天中畅所欲言. 我们的专家会尽快给您答复. Moreover, 我们提供优质服务, 包括商店定制, 社交媒体品牌建设, on-page SEO, maintenance, 甚至是一体机商店的设置. 通过订购一个或多个,你将显著提高你的网站存在和节省时间.


这比看起来容易. You should pay attention to the main point that the layout should fit your goals and suit your business ideas. 这就是为什么我们的专家建议使用左侧栏的类别, such as tags, colors, language support, styles, features, and web forms. 他们帮助您选择最适合您的业务模板.


如果你想丰富和改进你的网站的默认布局, 查看这个关于Shopify在线商店主题定制的有用指南. Follow tips and practices from this article and update the visuality of your web project significantly.


When it comes to choosing which digital assets to use - free or premium - you should consider all their pros and cons. 让我们告诉你更多关于他们的信息,以帮助你做出正确的选择. 免费产品吸引用户是因为它们的可用性和成本. 任何用户都可以下载模板并随时创建网站,而无需支付任何费用. 然而,这些物品的阴暗面是缺乏独特性和原创性. 选择免费模板, 你应该考虑到,你不是唯一一个将使用它的商店. As a result, 你的商店可能会因为缺乏独特性而在搜索引擎中排名较低. 此外,无成本产品没有适当的客户支持、性能和许可. 因此,建立一个强大而成功的网站并不容易. 这就是为什么大多数用户喜欢在他们的项目中使用付费道具. 这些产品的好处怎么强调都不为过:

  • Unique design;
  • Highest performance;
  • 众多先进的定制工具;
  • 专业的技术支持;
  • 100% originality;
  • 加载速度快,而且更多.


观看一段有用的视频,为您的Shopify商店提供最热门的家居装饰设计. 为设计室内公司找到一个完美的主题, exterior projects, 并使其盈利,以响应, SEO-friendly, 和成熟的创新主题布局.